For reasons of transparency, I started writing a public list of my
FOSS work.
It’s also a bit of a tracker for myself, as I tend to forget
Talks and Lectures
- HTWG Konstanz: Was steckt hinter “Concurrency without Fear?” (90
- Linuxing in London: Writing CLI tools in Rust (40 min)
- ACCU 2018: Concurrent Rust Workshop (8 hours)
- ACCU 2018: Three Years of Rust (1,5 hours)
- ACCU 2018: Lightning talk: sl(1) and verbal error messages in Rust
(5 min)
- IsleOfRuby: Lightning talk: sl(1), verbal error messages in Rust and
the dark side of Matz (5 min)
- IsleOfRuby: Fishbowl (30 min)
- HTWG Konstanz: Sicherheitsaspekte von Rust (90 min)
- Uni Linz: Security aspects of Rust (90 min)
- RustFest Paris impl days: conf planning workshop (8 hours)
- Setup events team within the community team for Rust
- Co-organisation and on-site orga a the Rust all-hands (~50
- RustFest Paris/Rome
- Budgeting and moral support RubyOnIce
- Budgeting and moral support IsleOfRuby
Conference attendance
in project capacity
- Embedded World 2018 (3 days)
- ACCU 2018 (3 days)
- Isle of Ruby (3 days)
- Ruby on Ice (3 days)
- RustFest Paris/impl days (5 days)
- preparation/errands (1 day)
- talk day: misc tasks, @rustfest twitter account (1 day)
- workshop day: assistance RustBridge (1 day)
- impl days Monday: errands, conference planning workshop (1 day)
- impl days Tuesday: writup, office hours (1 day)
- CSSConf.EU/JSConf.EU (3 days), Mozilla Arch project
- Help out with software
- Help people out with an interactive art installation
Additional work
- Member of the board of Ruby Berlin e.V.
- Rust Hack & Learn: 5 (roughly 2,5 hours each)